IGDA Vancouver – Meeting coming up

IGDA Vancouver meeting coming up! Mark your calendars for August 30th 2011

Excellent talks and time to network with your peers.

See you there!


When: Tuesday August 30th, 6:30pm to 9.00pm
Where: Vancouver Film School (VFS), 88 East Pender St, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Why:  – Social Mixer  6:30-7:30pm  &  Two Talks starting at 7:30pm


Talk 1: “Shifting the Focus”
As video games continue to mature both audience demands and game productions are becoming more complex. This talk will propose a shift in our definition of design to become more oriented towards user experience. In doing so we can better understand our design motives, encouraging holistic design practices. It will discuss what these practices are, and how they can help us to create more meaningful experiences.

Speaker: Mitchell Lagran is a passionate game developer whose career has taken him through everything from casual to indie to AAA development. During his time in the industry he has held numerous positions, including Environment and Effects Artist, Level Designer, Game Designer and Scripter. He is particularly interested in the future of Interactive Design and feels that video games are just beginning to show their true potential.  He is currently working as a Designer at Relic Entertainment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.


Talk 2: “How to Make Your Team Ten Times More Effective: Twenty Years of Monkey Juggling”
Building software is like juggling monkeys; and not highly trained circus monkeys either. These are vicious, wild monkeys – and they
don’t like being juggled. After twenty years, Philip Harris has more than his fair share of bites and scratches. These are the lessons he’s learned along the way as he’s fought to build effective teams and great games.
The best development teams are ten times more productive than the worst. In this talk, Philip Harris has condensed twenty years of
development experience into a series of rules to help you make sure your team is one of the best and unlock that extra potential. As a
special bonus, the talk will end with a foolproof recipe for creating a great game, every time.

Speaker: Philip Harris
has been developing software for more than twenty years and has worked on over thirty products. Most of that time has been spent leading game teams at companies like Codemasters and Electronic Arts, as well as several years running his own development studio. As a freelance journalist, he has written for such enigmatic magazines as EXE, CGI and WTJ. Philip is currently a Group Technical Director at Electronic Arts in Burnaby, Canada where he is responsible for the technology used to build such titles as NHL, Fight Night and SSX. He has also worked as security for Darth Vader.


RSVP: On Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=263704016976112

On LinkedIn: http://events.linkedin.com/IGDA-Vancouver-Meeting/pub/756654



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